The Forms were the first act, they were terrible. Even if I was drinking and standing on a good leg I could not have found this enjoyable. Why is it that when people are playing electronic music they get so excited? Guy was hitting his buttons like he was pounding out a John Bonham drum solo. You're hitting a button asshole!!!! Ugh. Yeah, they were terrible.
Maritime was the middle band and were quite good. They were all in red "#Solidarity WI t-shirts, as they are from Milwaukee and are in approval of the Unions. I suggest giving them a listen, enjoyable.
Then the Dismemberment came on and were brilliant. I hope they continue to tour or at least show up at some festivals. I really enjoyed the songs, not sure how to describe them. Is it indie rock? Is it pop? Is it emo? A massive mix of coolness? I don't know, you decide.
I think they were awesome and I say fuck you knee because my leg just couldn't hold up for the whole show. If they come back there is no question that I'll see them again. Thanks again to Justin Hemminger of Speed Governor out of Columbus Ohio. Check them out if they are in your town.
off to dinner. Restaurant week in Chicago is awesome. Bone marrow buttered steak is in my immediate future.
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