Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kanye West - The Making of "Power"

The name alone evokes strong emotion from the masses. Whether you love him or you hate him, most people have a very strong view of Kanye. How do I personally feel? I get a real kick out of his actions off the mic, and an even bigger kick out of his actions on the mic. Kanye hasn't let me down yet with any of his music. Even the "808's and Heartbreaks" album was quite dope, in my opinion. The man was in a dark place in his life, and I think that album perfectly illustrated where he was as a person and an artist. I've been there. We've all been there at one point or another. You had that relationship that you thought was going to be forever. It crumbled. You lost someone who you were close to. We all have our stories. We all have our ways that we respond to those situations. Some people go into recluse-mode. Buy a cabin in the woods. Live off the land. Grow a long nappy-ass beard. Other people wild the fuck out. Shit, I can recall ending a relationship in my early 20's (Not by my choice) and going bat-shit crazy for a couple of years. Truth be told, according to my sister, my wild behavior at times can be directly attributed to that one relationship going sour (Don't believe the hype). So, 'Ye, I get it. You gotta get that shit out of your system. If you need to express that pain through music, make a album expressing your loss. We all have our outlets.

Get it out of your system. Go to the VMA's and take a full bottle of Hennesey to the head with your chrome-domed ex-stripper girlfriend. Get it out of your system. Snatch the mic away from Taylor Swift and make yourself public enemy numbero uno. Get it out of your system. Do what you gotta do. JUST GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM!

OK. Fast forward to present day. Kanye took a little time out of the limelight to allow everything to die down and now he is back with a new album on the way. The first single is "Power" ft. Dwele... And it's some damn good summer music. I've been playing it quite a bit since it leaked a couple months ago. Hasn't gotten old to me yet, but to be fair, good music hardly ever does. I haven't heard any bad reviews for the song. From what I've heard, everybody loves it. Kanye is back! Couldn't be more excited. And how about this... It's a new and improved Kanye. A Kanye that is going to try to think before he speaks and relegate his behavior. I don't know how long it's going to last, but that's not for me to say. We'll see. Now, it's time to drop the video. You better believe that it's going to be on this blog as soon as it drops. Until then, I ran across the "Making of..." clip for the new video, and it really looks like it's going to be something special. Check it out...

Yeah, this one looks like it's going to be something special. It should be dropping soon. As soon as it does, I'm going to get it to you. Until then, salivate.

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