Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hump Day Rock Post!

I was told that I can go home from work early today, and it made me so happy that I had to do a post on some great music. First up, Japandroids. 2 guys from Vancouver that just rock hard as hell. Funk is not a fan of their music, but Raindrops and I love 'em. We went to see them live at Lincoln Hall off a bottle of whiskey and some Bell's Oberon beers, and it was quite a good show. Loud, intense, and actually pretty funny at some points. Lincoln Hall, by the way, has some of the best acoustics in the city, so if you ever get a chance to get to a show there, I highly suggest going.

and this...

"Must get to France so we can french kiss some French girls"
That's a great idea. Let's do it.

Okay, one more group that Raindrops and I saw live at Schubas. Cymbals Eat Guitars. They're so good at moving from quiet, chill melodies and then exploding into loud, raucous choruses. So awesome. They will be appearing at Lollapalooza this year, so it's definitely a group worth checking out. Here is the first song from their debut album. Leave a comment, let me know what you think of my picks for some hump day listening!

Both of these groups get the Donnie Halfcourt approval stamp. 2 thumbs way up.

Aight, I'm outta here. I'll be listening to music and day drinking for the rest of the morning/afternoon. It's what I do best!

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