Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Track by Track: LCD Soundsystem: "This is Happening"

Hey there Don, shut the fuck up as here is that first post you been looking for from me. I will be grabbing albums and going track by track doing reviews. Some will be new, some old but I'm just going to do ones as I listen.

Up first is one I just bought, LCD Soundsytem's newest, "This is Happening". Picked up Monday at Reckless and was frankly a little pissed because it was $30. This is crazy because I could have stole it months ago of the interwebs but I do love having the vinyl in hand. I asked the clerk, "what's with the price?" Apparently it's an import because the US label waits a year until they release the vinyl, so to that label I simply say get fucked. At least now it's a legit first edition and will clearly be worth $31 one day.

anyways, here we go:

"Get Yourself Clean"
-Why can't I hear anything? this is my thought on my couch because the record starts off all hushed. I'm talking to my roommate trying to listen to Murphy's lyrics but its so muted. Honestly thought my stereo was hooked up wrong. Then out of nowhere the Casio sounding keyboard rolls in with a hi hat/snare beat that is gnarly. Good opener that goes out hushed at the end but in the middle there is this line, "Wait until the weekend, make all your bad dreams come true." I love that.

"Drunk Girls"
-I think this might be the actual relationship history for Murphy. It's the dance single on the record that has made the easy crossover into the radio world. It's a good song that is dominated by the polysynth but there is this staccato type guitar that carries a portion of the back track. If it's not the relationship history it may just be the story of the fans of LCD.

Then the record stop signaling me to flip it over. Really? Two songs on one side? I understand why it's a double LP now.

"One Touch"'
-Murphy brings it in with a pretty simple synth riff until the drum machine comes in and takes over. As I listen to this it sounds like he was trying to incorporate the Talking Heads mixed with Roxy Music blended with a B-52's female backing track. Weird. Not sure what the staggered phrasing is all about but I did this tribute to New Wave.

"All I Want"
-Best song that LCD Soundsystem put on this record, maybe their best ever. As I listen to this I'm guessing that Albert Hammond Jr. is pissed because he didn't write this or he's pissed because he did and Murphy just took it and made it better (mind you I love the Strokes). My favorite line in this one "From now on, I'm someone different cuz it's no fun to be predictably lame." So true, I know this because I'm predictably lame.

"I Can Change"
-I'm guessing psychedelics and maybe some uppers were taken while listening to Thomas Dolby but thinking of Morrisey. James Murphy is not much of a singer but I'm thinking the substances told him he could hit the high notes. This song seems to be the story of a guy changing for someone. I'm willing to bet there was some hipster ecstasy freak in the middle of a ride screaming "DON'T YOU DARE EVER FUCKING CHANGE!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU NOW!!!!!!!" It happened.

Side three. Again 5 songs in two sides. I will say this, the gate fold and the artwork on the sleeves is pretty great but this could have been pressed on one disc I think.

"You Wanted a Hit"
-The indie band anthem maybe? This is the typical indie fable of "wanting to make great music, I don't care who hears the records...." You do care. So does Murphy. That's why he wrote the song. Another gem line in this one, "You wanted it smart, but honestly I'm not smart. We faked it." Brilliant. I fake smart every day.

-This started off awesome. I'm thinking that it's playing at some place where people are drinking either really good beer snobby beer or PBR. That's it. Maybe some moonshine. I was into it for a while but then it really dragged on. Kind of reminded me of Bjork's "There's More to Life than This" of of Debut. That's a compliment because Bjork is so fucking good I want to puke.

"Somebody's Calling Me"
-Somebody's hanging up if they hear this song. It's not good. If I were you I'd skip it.

-I adore this line "Forget a terrible year, lets break the law until it gets weird." I'm not even sure what it means but this song is a great ender. It's upbeat, it's fun as hell and goes well with bourbon. I could dance to this, and I'm a radical dancer. Touch it.

Overall I'll give you this an 7 out of 10 which makes it really good. I'm guessing my reviews will probably mostly be rather high as I feel I listen to good music. Take of that one track about a phone call and reduce it to one record and it would have been an 8. Artwork and packaging though easily rolls a 9. Good work LCD Soundsystem, sorry I'll miss you at Pitchfork.

-P. Raindrops.

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